Documenting the Coming Singularity

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Who's Listening? Are Your Devices Using Your Speech to Send You Ads?

Have you heard this one yet? The idea that everything you say in the presence of your smart devices is being used to send you specific ad content?

I read an article a few weeks ago where someone claimed to have tested this theory and found it to be true. So I decided to test it myself. I started talking about needing to find some nice bras and undies as a gift for someone, and lo and behold, look what turned up on one of my favorite websites. Could be totally coincidental, sure, but maybe not.

Give your phone a refreshing new look! Grab a beautiful cell phone or tablet case from Cool Mobile Accessories, offering cases and accessories for your favorite devices!

Breathe right, and say goodbye to allergens! Get the exact size air-condition or furnace filter you need, cut to order, shipped to your door! Only  from: Perfectly Pure Air Filters