Documenting the Coming Singularity

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The End of Human Speech?

Wish I could live long enough to see this!


HUMAN speech will become a thing of the past by the year 2050, by which time we will communicate by thought via a computer-generated collective consciousness, it has been claimed...

Marko Karjnovic unveiled his ideas at The Museum of the Future as part of the World Government Summit in Dubai.

The Hybrid Intelligence Biometric Avatar (HIBA), will understand the feelings of people connected to it, take on their personas, exchange information with them and even become part of the fabric of their brains.

Mr Karjnovic, who has produced the exhibit, explained: "It is very similar to the work of Elon Musk – it is an open source platform for humanity.

"HIBA will have the ability to connect the minds of the most clever of us, combining those minds with everything it can find out practically and put it all together in hybrid intelligence."


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