Documenting the Coming Singularity

Saturday, June 23, 2012

How about a smartphone after sex?

NYT Bits - 6.21.12 by Nicole Perlroth

Photo Credit: Jonathan Evans/Reuters

We reach for them first thing after sex, in the middle of the night, while using the bathroom, in the middle of dinner and, increasingly, in church.

Americans are clearly addicted to their smartphones. The latest confirmation comes from a Harris Interactive survey of more than 2,000 smartphone owners in the United States released on Thursday.

Mind you, the survey is not strictly scientific. Harris said, “This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.”

But the results reflect behavior we’ve all seen. According to the survey, which was commissioned by Lookout, a  mobile security company based in San Francisco, half of Americans check their phones in bed at night. One in five said the first thing they did after sex was reach for their cellphones. And twice that many said they checked their phones while on the toilet. (Note to self: Never borrow another person’s cellphone without a sanitary wipe handy).

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