Documenting the Coming Singularity

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wearable computers - the next big thing

NYT (Bits) - By NICK BILTON April 17, 2012 

The wearable computing wars are about to begin, says a report released Tuesday by Forrester Research.

The report predicts that consumers will begin experimenting more with wearables over the coming year, specifically around health and fitness, navigation, social networking and gaming. This new theme among consumers will hasten big tech companies to begin creating wearable computing products.

In a blog post on the Forrester Web site, Sarah Rotman Epps, the personal computer analyst who wrote the report, said that wearable computing was about to move into the mainstream and the big technology companies in Silicon Valley would help hasten its adoption.

“Wearable devices, or ‘wearables’ for short, have enormous potential for uses in health and fitness, navigation, social networking, commerce, and media,” Ms. Epps wrote in the blog post. “Imagine video games that happen in real space.  Or glasses that remind you of your colleague’s name that you really should know. Or paying for a coffee at Starbucks with your watch instead of your phone. Wearables will transform our lives in numerous ways, trivial and substantial, that we are just starting to imagine.”

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