Documenting the Coming Singularity

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Big Freeze is your Big Bang?

If I understand this new theory, and it's unlikely that I do, it holds that the anticipated end of our Universe, becoming infinitely large in a Big Freeze, will mathematically be simultaneously infinitely small, and result in another Big Bang.

A respected scientist says the evidence for this is visible as circular patterns in the cosmic microwave background. - 11.19.10

Circular patterns within the cosmic microwave background suggest that space and time did not come into being at the Big Bang but that our universe in fact continually cycles through a series of "aeons". That is the sensational claim being made by University of Oxford theoretical physicist Roger Penrose, who says that data collected by NASA's WMAP satellite support his idea of "conformal cyclic cosmology". This claim is bound to prove controversial, however, because it opposes the widely accepted inflationary model of cosmology.

According to inflationary theory, the universe started from a point of infinite density known as the Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago, expanded extremely rapidly for a fraction of a second and has continued to expand much more slowly ever since, during which time stars, planets and ultimately humans have emerged. That expansion is now believed to be accelerating and is expected to result in a cold, uniform, featureless universe.

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