Documenting the Coming Singularity

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Augmented Reality to arrive on cell phones

Editor's Note: Baby steps, to be sure. Enhanced vision will reach its ultimate stage when data is fed directly into the visual centers of our brains but, for now, it's nice to see us moving in the right direction. For cell phone makers though, this is the next killer app.

BBC News - August 11, 2009, by Michael Fitzpatrick

It's a gift that was once the preserve of fictional cyborgs.

Call it Terminator Vision - a view of the world tagged with rich, location-relevant information whilst your gaze flickers here and there.

But now this Augmented Reality (AR), as it is known, is materialising in the real world.

Mobile phone operators, at least, are hoping it will be the next big thing as programmers learn to corral all the bells and whistles of smart phones - GPS, video, accelerometers - into "killer applications".

For the first time such AR is available for handsets.

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