Documenting the Coming Singularity

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Google Glass Fracas

Credit: Stop The Cyborgs
Now that Google Glass has been in the hands of developers and tech bloggers for a little while (although I've not been fortunate enough to spot a pair in real life yet), I'll put in my two pennies...

People are so darn predictable. Those who like to bitch and cry over our lost past, who ought to go back in a time machine to 1920, when you could have all the privacy you could stand, who feel they have to point out every possible problem that could present itself when a brand new thing enters the world, have come out in their predictable manner.

I, on the other hand, applaud Google for getting things started. Google Glass will look like the ancient pyramids of technology very shortly, when this tech gets more and more effective, but for now, someone had to get the ball rolling. And that's all they've done. This is only the first step folks. Yes, it's got problems, but those will be fixed and there will be applications of the technology none of us has even thought of. So calm the heck down.

That being said, the tech does lend itself to some hilarious panning, to wit:

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