Documenting the Coming Singularity

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Quantum Computing - A Prototype is Demonstrated

As a means (there are more than one being developed) of forcing the death of Moore's law into the very distant future, you cannot hope to beat quantum computing. Whereas conventional computing can, at best, make use of individual atoms to store bits of information (sort of like one man one vote), quantum computing makes use of the weirder features of quantum mechanics that hold sway at very small dimensions to allow unheard of processing power.

In traditional computing, binary code forms the most basic language, with an alphabet of only two letters: one and zero. Each unit of information, or bit, can register either of those two values. In quantum computing, however, the basic unit is called a "qubit," and can register simultaneous values of one and zero, making use of the phenomenon known as "superposition."

In the words of Seth Lloyd, writing for Technology Review:
Since one qubit can simultaneously represent two different values, two qubits can simultaneously represent four (00, 01, 10, and 11, in binary notation); four qubits can represent 16 values; eight qubits 256 values; and so on. Even a relatively small quantum computer, one that had a few tens of thousands of qubits, could consider so many different values at once that it would be able to break all known codes commonly used for secure Internet communication. Quantum computers might also be used for faster database searches, or to tackle hard problems that classical computers couldn't solve with all the time in the universe.
Now comes news that a Canadian company called D-Wave has built and tested a prototype of an "adiabatic quantum computer." The catch? The developers must prove that the computer is actually using adiabatic quantum computing. Turns out this is not an easy task. So stay tuned.

Click here for the original article.

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Ivo Cerckel said...

A point of "technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history."

We used to have the law of supply and demand in our social fabric.
Out of barter, evolved the exchange of goods for something of value which could then further be exchanged for other goods.

This law is in the process of being ruptured by some pieces of green paper.

There is no shortage of rice.
There’s enough rice to feed everybody.

The problem is that on international markets,
rice is being traded for worthless US dollars
Therefore, its price is going out of hand.

Although (or because?) its price is going out of hand in worthless US dollar,
Thailand says that the US dollar price of rice is too low.

April 26, 2008 18:34 PM
Thailand Wants Opec-like Cartel For Rice
By D.Arul Rajoo
BANGKOK, April 26 (Bernama) — With the rice price soaring in tandem with the skyrocketing oil price, Thailand’s largest enterprise has call on the government to form an Opec-like alliance on rice TO ELEVATE ITS PRICE.
We can’t control the oil prices, so why do we have to fix domestic produce prices. We must allow prices of agricultural products to rise and therefore raise overall salaries of public sector officials accordingly,” said the head of the country’s biggest agro-industry conglomerate.

The mainstream media prevent us from thinking in a logical way.

If you want to think, you must start with the facts
which you must analyze.
And on these facts you can try to apply your ideas
(but this presupposes that you have ideas).

You must not start with your ideas
and then distort the facts
in such a way that they suit your ideas.

The price of rice is at present going out of hand
because on international markets, rice is being traded for worthless US dollars.

Thailand wants to allow the US dollar prices of agricultural products to get even more out of hand.

This will only speed up the dollar’s demise.

Can you spell “dollar-induced famine”?

The US has been gaming the system for decades; sucking up two-thirds of the world's capital to expand its cache of Cadillac Escalades and flat-screen TVs; giving nothing back in return except mortgage-backed junk, cluster bombs, and crummy green paper. Nothing changes; it only gets worse. But this is different. The world is now facing the very real prospect of "completely avoidable" famine because twelve doddering old banksters at the Federal Reserve would rather bailout their sketchy friends and preserve their spot at the top of the economic food-chain then save the lives of starving women and children. Bernanke now has an opportunity to do more damage than Bush with one swipe of the pen. If he cut rates; the dollar will fall, commodities will spike, and people will starve. It's as simple as that.
(US Fed To Blame for Global Food Crisis Apr 26, 2008 - 03:09 PM By: Mike_Whitney

Henry Hazlitt, 1946
The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.

By pricing rice on international markets in gold,
the rice price crisis will disappear.

One of the pillars the fabric of human history,
the law of supply and demand,
will indeed have been re-instituted

Ivo Cerckel