Documenting the Coming Singularity

Monday, November 19, 2012

Is the Pace of Change Really Slowing Down?

Wired - Nov. 19, 2012 by Brian Millar

"The world is moving faster than ever before. Everything is being disrupted, including that thing you do. So you're going to have to tear it up. And you're going to have to keep on tearing it up. If you stop, even for a second, you will die."

If you've ever sat through a consultant's presentation, including *cough* many of mine, or leafed through a copy of the Harvard Business Review or Wired then you've heard a spiel like this. The audience sits up. Yes, the world is accelerating so fast we can't think! So much new stuff to deal with! We are so special to live in such an exceptional time! Tell us how to cope!

My grandmother would have folded her arms and frowned. She was born in Belfast in 1900. Horse drawn carts clopped up and down her cobbled street. Life expectancy was 57, Britain was a superpower with the naval equivalent of the Death Star and her house was lit with gas and candles. By the time she was 20, cars were rattling and hooting down her road and they were enjoying electric lights, outrageous women's clothing and jazz. Russia had convulsed into a radical new kind of government, airships were crossing the Atlantic and many of her male relatives had been slaughtered in the First World War.

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