Documenting the Coming Singularity

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

FutureGrid - I like the sound of that! - 9/29/09

The San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego is part of a team chosen by the National Science Foundation to build and run an experimental high-performance grid test-bed, allowing researchers to collaboratively develop and test new approaches to parallel, grid and cloud computing.

Called "FutureGrid," the four-year project, led by Indiana University (IU), was awarded a $10.1 million grant from the NSF to link nine computational resources at six partner sites across the country as well as allowing transatlantic collaboration via a partnership with Grid'5000, a large scale computer infrastructure primarily throughout France. The FutureGrid test-bed is expected to be installed and operational by next spring.

Partners with IU in the FutureGrid project include SDSC, Purdue University, University of Chicago/Argonne National Labs, University of Florida, University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute, University of Tennessee Knoxville, University of Texas at Austin/Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Virginia, and the Center for Information Services and GWT-TUD from Technische Universtität in Dresden, Germany.

These project partners will provide additional funding for the FutureGrid project, bringing the program total to $15 million.

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