Documenting the Coming Singularity

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Here's looking at you, kid - Eye Robot Aims to Crack Secret of Nonverbal Communication

Technology Review - April 16, 2009

Social referencing is the ability to communicate with nonverbal signals. Children, in particular, learn much from the expressions of adults in new situations-whether to be frightened, happy sad etc. Nonverbal communication is important for everybody but in its purest form, perfected by many a primary school teacher, it is possible to control young children with eyebrow movements alone (a skill sadly lacking in many workplaces).

Now nonverbal communication is being roboticised by Yoichi Yamazaki and his pals at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The team has built an "eye robot" consisting of nothing more than a pair of eyeballs capable of conveying a wide range of nonverbal signals. "The proposed system provides a user friendly interface so that humans and robots communicate in natural fashion," say the team

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